Start Thinking

Our Mother Earth has been feeding us, nurturing us, and providing for us since mankind has been around. Every day, she brings new life into our world in the shape of plants, animals, air, water, and soil. We should be ever so thankful for these gifts. We should respect these gifts. We should not take these gifts for granted. But isn’t that what we, as a race, do?

We drive cars that emit all types of gases and fumes into the atmosphere. We uses countless amounts of electricity for the sole purpose of entertainment. We waste some forty percent of all food sources that are available to us. We create these awful landfills to just bury our trash deep under the earth. And better, we let our trash sink to the bottom of the ocean, where we cannot see it or the damage it causes. We raise animals in unlivable conditions, inject them with all types of unnecessary drugs, and then eat them. We grow plants, but only after we alter their DNA, so the plants can survive all the chemicals we spray them with.

These practices we have accumulated over the years need to change, and the change is coming. One might ask how we should change or what we should do. And, to tell the truth, the answer is so simple. We have to learn from the past, from nature, from plants, from animals, from flourishing ecosystems.

Natural ecosystems and food forests have been thriving for all of eternity, but we haven’t been paying attention to them. We need to take a step back from what we see as farming to see what Mother Earth thinks of farming. To see how nature can take care of itself.

The problem is not lack of food. We need to focus on food that is better for us and better for our planet. If we produce two-thirds of the amount of food that we do today and prevent the waste of this food, we still will have the same amount of food.

So, I am encouraging you to forget the chemicals, forget the antibiotics, and forget the pesticides. Start slowly, but focus your energy into something that is better for yourself and better for our planet. Organic Farming. Permaculture. Agroecology. Sustainability. Nature.

We are all in this world together, so we can suffer together or we can thrive together. I want to thrive, and I know you do too. I hope you take my encouragement to heart.

love & light,

Kelly-Marie, Founder